The Heart of Richmond AIDS Society

The Heart of Richmond AIDS Society is a registered not-for-profit organization providing social services and support for people impacted by HIV.

The Heart of Richmond AIDS Society is a registered not-for-profit organization providing social services and support for people impacted by AIDS/HIV.

Make an impact and donate today!

We help those in our community who are impacted by HIV.

Browse through the services we offer and find the right one for you.

“I have been a member of HORAS for approx. 5 years and during this time I have accessed the Support Group; the Weekly calendar of Events; the Grocery Assistance Programme and the Supplementary Health Fund. The support group is a great place to sit and talk freely – we talk about issues whether it be health or emotional or chat about everyday life. The Heart of Richmond has been a very supportive organisation – more so than others. The Calendar of Events throughout the year is beneficial for Mind, Body and Spirit.”​
– J

“The $50 Safeway gift cards go to people with a strong need. My father, who is 78, puts the majority of his pension toward his car and his prescriptions – he lives in his car and he can’t afford to buy food from a store, so he uses the food bank. He has been receiving the Safeway cards since 2007, so when that phone call comes in for him to pick up his gift card, it is like God shining His light on my Dad’s situation. Thank you!” – HT

As a member of The Heart of Richmond AIDS Society, you’ll have a unique opportunity to make a difference in the community and gain access to the wide variety of services in order to manage the challenges of living with HIV.